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Large Language Models Powered Context-aware Motion Prediction

Xiaoji Zheng , Lixiu Wu, Zhijie Yan, Yuanrong Tang, Hao Zhao, Chen Zhong, Bokui Chen, Jiangtao Gong*

IROS 2024 - Accept

We first teach Large Language Model (GPT4-V) to understand Bird's Eye View like transportation context maps and output context information (intention, affordance, and scenario). Then, these context information will integrated into motion prediction pipeline to assists motion prediction.

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Extended VR: Exploring the Integration of VR Experiences and Real-world Engagement

Xiaoji Zheng , Shaojun Sun, Ying Cao, Jiatong Li, Ding Ding, Zhuying Li*

Designing Interactive Systems 2023 Companion (DIS'23 Companion) - Accept

In this paper, we explore whether the combination of virtual reality and ubiquitous computing can help overcome the limitation that Head-Mounted Displays based VR systems is often isolated from reality.

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